The Exceptional Leadership Talent Solution
...hire Exceptional Leaders that deliver results

Our Exceptional Manufacturing Leadership Talent Solution, combined with years of mapping the entire North American Manufacturing Leadership candidate market can land you that exceptional talent, guaranteed.

Our entire system rests on the 4 Pillars of Exceptional Talent that we have spent considerable investment in building over the years:

4 Pillars of Exceptional Talent

Knowing the market. We are have sent years learning and mapping the Manufacturing Leadership market. We are constantly in touch with the leadership market, and invest heavily in keeping our information up to date. Knowing the exceptional leadership pool ensures that your opportunity has maximum possible coverage to build awareness of your opportunity and identify the top 10% of talent for you.

Unique Proprietary Process. Our “always-on” digital marketing platform engages passive candidates and accelerates our ability to influence and attract the exceptional performers you want to hire.

Bullet-Proof Selection Using our deep manufacturing experience and data learned from many interviews with manufacturing leaders, we work with you to design a selection process that helps to drive risk out of your very important leadership hiring decision.

Targeted Focused Engagement. Our unique use of proven executive search and new digital strategies ensure that every top-performer that matters is aligned with your opportunity.

The Leadership Delivery System

Do you ever wonder why every search firm says they have a proprietary recruitment process, but they all look the same? One look at their ‘proprietary process’ listed on their websites will show you…

Every search firm has the same pitch, the same proprietary process, the same guarantee…

  • Every search firm specializes in ‘really digging into the cultural fit of their clients’…
  • Every search firm only works with the top [fill-in-the-blank percentage] of candidates…
  • Every search firm has a combined [fill-in-the blank] years of industry experience…
  • Every firm passionately cares about their clients and candidate’s success

If all of that were true, why do you get the same C-player candidates over and over again, who apply to the same job postings they copy and paste from your career site?

It’s because they’re trying to sell you a commoditized service at a premium price, which is why the moment you push back on their high fees they fold every time. It’s because they know you can go right down the road and get the same thing for cheaper. They just want to get your role and 9 others up on the board, knowing they’ll close 1 out of 10.

Simply put, they’re candidate brokers, not recruiters. That doesn’t serve you, nor does it serve their candidates.

...and it gives the recruitment industry a bad name.

At Kahms Recruiting Group, we’ve decided to flip the entire model on its head and offer a full end-to-end solution that’s never been seen in the manufacturing leadership recruitment space.

Built on a foundation of our four principles, our Leadership Delivery System Steps will show you how to engage with a much wider and deeper candidate market, not just the small percentage of the market that is actively looking at any given time, because we all know it’s highly unlikely that your next exceptional hire is scouring the job boards.

When we take on a search with a preferred client, we map the entire manufacturing leadership market, meaning every…single…potential…candidate that matches your performance profile is mapped and loaded into our candidate engagement campaign.

Next, we work with you to finalize and agree to the criteria needed for the exceptional candidates that fit your unique manufacturing environment. We then target on those profiles, even if they have zero intention of leaving their jobs (that’s where the exceptional candidates live).

We then craft such a compelling story about you, your team, your company, and your vision, compelling top-performers to want to hear about your amazing opportunity.

We deliver that message using a “always-on” digital messaging campaign, getting your unique opportunity in front of those 10-percenter’s. We get your value-proposition in front of them repeatedly using every single digital and analog tool imaginable (that no other firms take advantage of).

We use your organization’s name right in the open, because exceptional candidates HATE playing the the “hide-n-seek” game most recruiters have to play because they’re afraid of the candidate ‘run-around’ or of another firm hearing about your opening.

We bullet-proof your interview process with a mulit-step assessment designed to de-risk your hiring decision. Imagine developing as the leader who can consistently field a high-performing team in any company…

And we back all of this with the strongest guarantee in the industry - 1 FULL YEAR... that’s real skin in the game that no other firm can provide.

Leadership Delivery System

To learn more about how we’re completely changing the game, and why you want us in your corner and not your competitors, fill out the form to read about Our Leadership Delivery System.

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